How is COVID-19 Affecting Animals & Pets?

Quick overview of COVID-19

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness that can spread from person to person. The virus that causes COVID-19 is a novel coronavirus that was first identified during an investigation into an outbreak in China. Most people that are infected with it experience mild to moderate respiratory symptoms that do not require medical intervention. However, people with underlying medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.

In this current time, there are so many unanswered questions and noise surrounding COVID-19, it can be hard to know what to believe and implement to stop the spread of it. We also know from your questions regarding your pets, there are mixed messages on whether companion animals can spread or be the source of infection. Let’s explore what the health experts say regarding this.

Human and Veterinary Experts Weigh In

The Centers for Disease Control, or commonly known as the CDC, which was originally chartered by Congress but is a long standing private non-profit organization with the mission to protect America from health, safety and security threats. According to this agency, they note at this time there is no evidence that companion animals can spread COVID-19 nor are they a source of the infection.

The American Veterinary Medical Association, AVMA, which represents over 90,000 veterinarians further backs up the CDC. They have issued a statement further explaining that infectious disease experts, multiple international and domestic human and animal health organizations agree there is no evidence at this point to indicate that pets become ill with COVID-19 or that they spread it to other animals, including people. It is worth noting that a virus can sometimes infect a species without causing illness in the species and it is also possible for a species to have a virus and not be able to transmit the virus to others.

Adding to the evidence, a veterinary diagnostic and software company, IDEXX, issued a statement saying they had evaluated thousands of specimens from cats and dogs and found no positive in pets to date of SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus strain responsible for the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) respiratory outbreak in humans. This is good news, however, it is important to remember that our understanding of this virus continues to evolve.

Healthy Hygiene Practices with Pets

So with all of the IG stories and FB forwards, how do you know which remedies to add to your daily practice? As we all continue to find and implement effective ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the team at Emisha, wants to be diligent in passing along helpful suggestions to keep both humans and companion animals healthy. Again, leaning on the experts, here are some helpful tips:

The AVMA advises that careful hand washing and other infection control practices can greatly reduce the chance of spreading any disease. The CDC further explains that because all animals can carry germs that can make people sick, it’s always a good idea to practice healthy habits around pets and other animals:

  • Wash your hands after handling animals, their food, waste, or supplies.
  • Practice good pet hygiene and clean up after pets thoroughly.
  • Take pets to the veterinarian regularly and discuss with your veterinarian questions or concerns about your pet’s health.

Learn more about the recommendations by visiting the CDC’s Healthy Pets, Healthy People website. Also, check out the helpful links below to learn more about COVID-19.  As always, we are also available to assist if you would like to learn more about the animal wellness products at Emisha, including our hemp CBD catnip, hemp CBD dog treats and hemp CBD oil.

Wishing you and the companion animals in your life continued health!

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