Dog Owners Consider CBD an Effective Treatment.

A recent study was conducted to understand the perception of dog and cat owners with respect CBD/hemp oil products. The survey included 632 respondents, out of which, 60% reported that they were currently using a hemp CBD product for their dog(s), roughly 12% reported current use with cat(s).

As often the case with families with children, animal parents also reach out to friends, family and the Internet for advice. In the survey, it was reported that 50% learned about the products from the Internet and roughly 16% from friends. And although few learned about the products from a veterinarian, the bulk of respondents reported using the products as a result of a veterinarian-diagnosed condition. The most common ailments dog owners were looking to treat were seizures, cancer, anxiety and arthritis.

Besides how many dog owners are using CBD oil, a major finding is the perception regarding its effectiveness. According to authors, when asked to compare CBD oil for dogs to other forms of medication or therapy, most owners felt the CBD products work better for their animals than other medical treatments with only 7% feeling they do not work as well. The reported positive impact was highest for relief from pain (64.3%), followed by helping with sleep (reported by 50.5%), and relief from anxiety (49.3%).

Companies like animal focused, Emisha, provide premium hemp oil dog treats and animal tinctures that are a safe and naturally effective way to enhance the health of the family animals. 

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