Jenny and Major became family almost 5 years ago when he showed up at a neighbor’s house. Being hungry, dirty and alone he wondered into the right neighborhood. Families on this block are known for being kind and generous to animals and people in need.
Her neighbor rang concerned about a dog that showed up at their house. Jenny went right over and committed to taking care of the dog until his owners were located. She put the word out, posted flyers in the neighborhood, called local shelters, informed the local post people and social media about the dog who just appeared one day. Jenny also took the dog to the vet, had his long, matted hair cut and repeated the search process. Perhaps his guardians would recognize him after a health and grooming day. A month passed, no one called and Jenny now had a name for him and made his dinner every night,---so yeah, the dog, now called Major, was a part of her family.
Major is so close to Jenny, there is a family joke that he is her late husband, Percy, incarnate. Just like Percy, Major hums while eating a good meal prepared by Jenny. He especially loves her home cooked chicken. How cool it must've been to realize that both Percy and Major expressed enjoyment and gratitude for her cooking.

In addition to embodying Percy, Major has also taught himself how to play ball. Both throwing & catching the ball! He also loves to play “catch me if you can'' with his fellow adopted dog-brother, Jackson. (Tag is truly a cross-species game right?) Both of the dogs have a daily walking routine around the neighborhood with Jenny. She feels their daily routine gives additional purpose to her life.
The introduction story to Major and Jenny was fun. Their bond brought up the following questions: Is there a person, animal, plant, fungi or Being you enjoy spending time with? What is offering you additional purpose?